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  • AutorenbildFelicia Scheuerecker

WINTER-KUNST-MARKT_covid 19_edition

Jedes Jahr um diese Zeit veranstalten wir unsere Lieblingsveranstaltung des Jahres. Da sich diese Jahr in vielerlei Hinsicht von anderen Jahren unterscheidet, haben wir uns entschlossen die Studio Baustelle Auktion aufs Frühjahr zu verschieben.

Nichtsdestotrotz möchten wir die Vorweihnachtszeit nicht ohne ein Kunst-Event verstreichen lassen. Deshalb veranstalten wir in diesem Jahr einen Winter-Kunst-Markt - Covid 19 Ausführung. Ab 7.12.-31.12.2020 werdet ihr die Möglichkeit haben, in unseren Räumen aber auch auf unserer Website Kunstwerke zu betrachten und zu erwerben. Die Öffnungszeiten entnehmt bitte den Ankündigungen oder schreibt uns eine Mail.

WINTER-ART-MARKET_covid 19_edition

Every year at this time we hold our favorite event of the year. Since this year differs in many ways from other years, we have decided to postpone the Studio Baustelle auction until spring.

Nevertheless, we do not want to let the pre-Christmas period pass without an art event. Therefore, this year we are organizing a winter market - Covid 19 edition. From 7.12.-31.12.2020 you will have the opportunity to view and purchase works of art in our rooms but also on our website. For opening hours please see the announcements or send us an email.

plakat design: Marija Brasnic

2 Ansichten0 Kommentare
  • AutorenbildFelicia Scheuerecker


Feelings are always present, but can easily be overlooked. We are often taught how to suppress feelings in order to function, meet expectations and to avoid conflicts.

We learn to control emotions to be more adaptable, to conform to social and societal roles, to get recognition and to be comfortable for our environment. We unlearn to listen to our feelings and needs and to consider them benevolently and understand them as positive signposts.

Since 2019, Felicia Scheuerecker has been inviting people to her home to take photographs of subjects that her guests bring with them or that arise during their encounters. The exhibition in the shop window of Studio Baustelle shows a small part of the walk through the emotional world of the people in front of her camera. Felicia consciously chose not the smile in front of the camera but to present honestly and artistically interpret the feelings behind the masks of everyday life. Felicia sees her work as an approach to the people in front of the camera. On display are self-developed black and white hand prints.

In the current situation the human being is confronted with unknown challenges. Felicia believes it is necessary to pay attention to feelings and to get to the bottom of them in order to create understanding, compassion and a sensitive interaction between people.

Berthelsdorfer Str. 11

12043 Berlin-Neukölln

9 Ansichten0 Kommentare
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