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16.10.20 - 23.01.21 Exhibition: EROS & PHOTOGRAPHY - PART I: Behind Desire

Autorenbild: Felicia Scheuerecker Felicia Scheuerecker

I am happy to announce to be 1 of the 3 winners of the Open Call Instagram / Ausstellung EROS & PHOTOGRAPHY - Behind Desire / CHAUSSEE 36


Plato: Eros contains a germ of the universal. When we look at a beautiful body, I am already on the way to the beautiful in itself. Eros stimulates and drives the soul to bear witness to the beautiful. A spiritual impetus emanates from it. The eros-driven soul produces beautiful things and above all beautiful actions that have a universal value. (Byung Chul Han: Agony of Eros, 2017)

With my photographic works I investigate the play of fantasy with the secret of the hidden, the desire to explore the invisible and intangible beauty in a sensual way and the timid approach to the other.

I playfully find this beauty in the forms of the human body and nature and observe the sensual communication that arises from the interaction of the two."

(Felicia Scheuerecker)

Two of my pictures "Bodies" (2020) and "Flying wings" (2020) will be shown at the Exhibition EROS & PHOTOGRAPHY - Behind Desire

The group exhibition "Behind Desire" intends to introduce the different facets of eroticism and explore the mechanisms of desire in art photography.

Going beyond the mere presentation of erotic images, to investigate the complex perception of erotic sensations, stimulated by photographs and literary extracts. In a society increasingly dominated by sex and pornography, awareness to the significance of eroticism needs to be raised. A participatory journey through the exhibition will enable an intimate discovery. At the same time a critical examination of the notion of eroticism, which is shaped by patriarchy, must be emphasized. "Behind Desire" opens the exhibition series EROS & PHOTOGRAPHY, featuring the first insights into the Collection De Gambs, which specializes in nude and erotic photography. With every further exhibition new themes of eroticism will be examined. This is supplemented through contemporary positions.

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